History of the World
History of the World (Bureau Development, Inc.)(1992).BIN
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$Title{Table 1: Chronological Abridgment Of The History Of The Kings Of Egypt And Syria.}
A.M. Kings of Egypt. Kings of Syria
3824 | Ptolemy Philometer reigned |
| something more than 34 years. |
| This article contains only 14 |
| years of his reign. |
| Differences between |
| Philometer and his brother |
| Evergetes, or Physcon. |
3840 | | Antiochus Eupator, aged nine years, succeeds his father
| | Antiochus Epiphanes. He reigns only two years.
3842 | | Demetrius Soter, son of Seleucus Philopator, having
| | escaped from Rome, ascends the throne.
3851 | | Bala, under the name of Alexander, pretending to be
| | the son of Antiochus Epiphanes, seizes the throne of Syria.
| | He is supported by the Romans.
| | Demetrius is killed in a battle. He had reigned
| | twelve years.
| | Alexander Bala. He reigns almost five years.
| | Ptolemy Philometer declares against him in favor of
| | Demetrius Nicator, son of Demetrius Soter.
| | Demetrius Nicator.
3860 | Ptolemy Evergetes, otherwise | | Antiochus Theos, son of Bala,
| called Physcon, brother of | | supported by Tryphon, seizes part
| Philometer, ascends the throne, | | of the kingdom.
| and marries, Cleopatra, | | Diodotes Tryphon, after having
| Philometer's wife. | | got rid of his pupil Antiochus,
| | | ascends the throne.
3863 | | Demetrius marches against the |
| | Parthians, who take him prisoner |
| | and confine him. He had reigned |
| | seven years. |
3864 | | | Antiochus Sidetes, brother of
| | | Demetrius, after having overthrown
| | | Tryphon, and put him to death, is
| | | declared king. Cleopatra, wife of
| | | Demetrius, marries him.
| | | Antiochus Sidetes marches against
| | | the Parthians.
3874 | Physcon expels Cleopatra his | Demetrius Nicator reigns again | The Parthians send back Demetrius
| wife, and marries his daughter | in Syria. | into Syria. Antiochus is slain.
| named also Cleopatra. | |
| He is reduced to fly. The | |
| Alexandrians restore the | |
| government to Cleopatra, his | |
| first wife. | |
| Physcon reascends the throne. | |
3877 | | Demetrius is killed by Zebina. | Alexander Zebina, supported
| | Cleopatra, wife of Demetrius, | by Physcon, expels Demetrius
| | retains part of the kingdom after| from the throne, who is killed
| | his death. | soon after.
3880 | | Seleucus V. eldest son of |
| | Demetrius,is declared king, and |
| | soon after killed by Cleopatra. |
3881 | | Antiochus Grypus, his younger |
| | brother, is placed on the throne |
| | by Cleopatra. |
3882 | | | Zebina is overthrown by
| | | Grypus, and dies soon after.
3884 | | Cleopatra designs to poison |
| | Grypus, and is poisoned herself. |
3887 | Death of Physcon. He had | |
| reigned 29 years. | |
| Ptolemy Lathyrus, or Soter, | |
| succeeds Physcon. | |
| Cleopatra, his mother, obliges | |
| him to repudate Cleopatra, | |
| his elder sister and marry | |
| Selena, his youngest sister. | |
| Cleopatra gives the kingdom of | |
| Cyprus to Alexander her | |
| youngest son. | |
3890 | | | Antiochus the Cyzicenian son
| | | of Cleopatra and Antiochus Sidetes,
| | | take arms against Grypus.
3891 | | | Cleopatra, whom Lathyrus had been
| | | obliged to repudiate, marries the Cyzicenian.
| | | She is killed by the order of Tryphena,
| | | wife of Grypus.
3892 | | | The Cyzicenian gains a victory
| | | over Grypus, and drives him out of Syria.
3893 | | Grypus is reconciled with his | The two brothers are reconciled,
| | brother the Cyzicenian. | and divide the empire of Syria.
| | |
3897 | Cleopatra he expel Lathyrus | |
| from Egypt: He had reigned 10 | |
| years. She sets his younger | |
| brother, Alexander, upon the | |
| throne | |
3903 | She gives her daughter Selena, | | Cleopatra gives her daughter
| whom she had taken from Lathyrus,| | Selena to Antiochus Grypus.
| in marriage to Antiochus Grypus. | |
3907 | | Death of Grypus. He had reign twenty-seven years.
| | Seleucus, his son, succeeds him.
3910 | | | Antiochus, the Cyzicenian,
| | | is overthrown, and put to death.
3911 | | Seleucus is overthrown by | Antiochus Eusebes, son of
| | Eusebes, and burnt in Mopsuestia.| the Cyzicenian, causes himself
| | | to be declared king.
| | | Eusebes marries Selena, widow
3912 | | Antiochus XI. brother of | of Grypus.
| | Seleucus, and second son of |
| | Grypus, assumes the diadem, and |
| | is killed by Eusebes. |
| | |
3913 | | Philip, his brother, third |
| | son Grypus, succeeds him. |
3914 | | Demetrius Euchares, fourth |
| | son of Grypus, is established |
| | upon the throne at Damascus, |
| | by the assistance of Lathyrus. |
3915 | Alexander kills his mother | |
| Cleopatra. | |
3916 | Alexander is expelled himself. | | Eusebes, overthrown by Philip
| He had reigned 19 years. He | | and Demetrius, takes refuge among
| died soon after. Lathyrus | | the Parthians.
| is recalled. | |
3918 | | Demetrius, having been taken | He is re-establish upon the
| | by the Parthians, Antiochus | throne by their means.
| | Dionysius, fifth son of Grypus, |
| | is placed upon the throne of |
| | Damascus, and is killed the |
| | following year. |
3921 | | The Syrians, weary of so many |
| | divisions and revolutions, elect |
| | Tigranes king of Armenia. He |
| | reigns by a viceroy fourteen |
| | years. |
3923 | Death of Lathyrus. Alexander | | Eusebes takes refuge in Cilicia,
| II. son of Alexander I. under | | where he remains concealed.
| Sylla's protection, is chosen | | Selena, his wife, retains part
| king. He marries Cleopatra, | | of Phoenicia and Coelosyria, and
| otherwise called Berenice, and | | gives her two sons a good education.
| kills her 19 days after. He | | Syria being unprovided with troops,
| reigned fifteen years. | | Antiochus Asiaticus, son of
| | | Antiochus Eusebes, takes possession
| | | of some part of the country, and reigns
| | | there during four years.
3935 | | Tigranes recalls Megadates his | Pompey deprives Antiochus Asiaticus
| | viceroy from Syria, who commanded| of his dominions, and reduces Syria
| | there fourteen years in his name.| into a province of the Roman empire.
3939 | The Alexandrians expel | | The house of the Seleucides is extinct
| Alexander. | | with him.
| Ptolemy Auletes, bastard son of| |
| Lathyrus is placed upon the | |
| throne. | |